Let’s go ahead and look at 10 best current tips and tricks…
1. Start with a Plan
For an angle bracket to hold a couple of components relative to one another, you probably don’t need much of a model plan.
Sketch > Extrude > punch a few holes > make sure it fits > DONE…
But for a central part where many components attach to it, the creation of a model plan prior to starting in CAD can be very helpful. Decide in advance any necessary sketches, expressions, part functions, installation requirements, future part servicing, etc.
As well predict how the part may change over time and prepare for that change by building it into your model plan and ultimately, your CAD model. You can’t anticipate everything and experience is key. Look at prior, similar designs and any issues collected from manufacturing and service. In two years when a revision is needed you, your colleagues and your clients will thank you for it.
Though they do have their place, generally speaking primitives like Blocks, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres should be avoided. Which is a good transition into…