Take our MBSE maturity assessment and get a real-time maturity score
Use the toggles to indicate your maturity score. Move them from left to right, placing them under the level that best fits your current state. The column to the left describes things that system engineers do, while the column on the right with the toggle selections describes how systems engineers do these things.
Average MBSE maturity (all industries)
- 1 - Initial Uncontrolled
- 2 - Managed Controlled documents
- 3 - Defined Isolated models
- 4 - Qualitative Enterprise integration
- 5 - Optimizing Continuous engineering
Content management
Physical design
CAD, CAE control/mgmt
Where do you manage CAD, CAx models?
- Unmanaged storage, desktops (etc.)
PDM system Enterprise whole model repository
SE artifacts linked into
CADModel repository with links to requirements/parameters -
SE artifacts linked
across domainFine grained enterprise model repository with situational awareness, i.e. hole is aware what wires/pipes pass through it -
Continuous physical design verification (digital twin) Testing only things effected by change with continuous feedback to design
Verification management & governance
Test proves the product does the right thing
Product test/V&V
Where is test managed?
- Uncontrolled document-based test procedures
Managed test
casesDisconnected test cases/management with no traceability requires testing everything every time -
SE artifacts linked into
testTest integrated & configured- tied to requirements, etc. -
DevOps-like V&V HIL/SIL
simulationAutomated test execution with mixed models included in runs -
Continuous focused
testingTesting only things affected by change with continuous feedback to design
Behavior model
Behavior models of all kinds help you make design decisions
System, performance, et al. simulation
Where do you manage behavioral models?
- No control, uncontrolled models on desktops
GIT-like version controlled model repository GIT-like version controlled models
SE artifacts linked into models Requirements/parameters linked to behavior models
PLM model & product config with simulation Model elements included in product configuration includes multi-domain/multi-attribute simulation
Continuous simulation & multi-domain optimizing Focused simulations: simulating only what has changes with ripple effect
Requirement analysis
Requirements describe how well a product does something
Requirements engineering & mgmt
Where are requirements managed?
spreadsheets & docs - Managed requirements docs (sharepoint, etc.)
Standalone RM tools
with exchange -
Integrated w/ other domain models (CAD, etc.) Individual requirements included in PLM services (change, workflow, configurations)
PLM-enabled continuous compliance Cross-domain traceability enables continuously "compliant by design" products
Integrated services
Change management
Change happens
Where do you manage change?
change process - PDM change practice including some models
PLM with change impact
& suspicion mgmtChange includes suspicion impact notification & clearance managment -
Inside PLM with models, params, history Product configuration includes model related elements (parameters, models, etc.)
PLM change history is next starting point Complete BOM, models, history, lessons, etc. available for next program
Parameter/target mgmt
Parameters are used across products & domains such as 12v, speed, & size. Targets are allocatable goals the product will meet like weight & cost.
Where are parameters/targets managed?
Many uncontrolled
spreadsheets & docs - Controlled spreadsheets & docs inside a project
Project/division-based parameter/target Project-level repositories with classic management practices & tracking
Enterprise PLM parameter/target mgmt Parameter/target included in configuration with traceability to their use
PLM params & targets for continuous compliance Parameters & targets tied to test, warrantee, etc. with continuous monitoring. Target watchdogs sound off via dashboard.
Feature engineering
Functions describe ‘what’ product does such as “stop vehicle." A Feature is a gathering of functions to deliver capability.
Feature/functional modeling
Where are features/functions managed?
- Feature/function description docs
- PLM-based functional hierarchy
Behavior models tied to controlled functions Behavior modeling outside PLM
PLM func modeling using standard params/reqs Functional breakdown tied to requirements, logical & physical breakdowns
PLM func arch allocations for func visibility Functional allocation decisions drive interfaces which flow throughout product i.e. wires know what functions they carry
Cross-domain services
Systems definition & design integration
Interfaces are agreements between communicating product elements
Logical modeling & interface mgmt
Where are interfaces & logical architectures managed?
ICD & logical
description documents -
PLM managed interfaces
& logical hierarchyIndividual managed interfaces & logical breakdowns -
Interface libraries tied to SE artifacts Requirements/parameters linked to logical models & interfaces
Interfaces using PLM managed params/reqs Configured logical & interface elements included in PLM services
PLM arch across domains for continuous I/F mgmt Interface definitions carry across domain to enable cross-domain communication for continuous integration (i.e. wires & pipes know what functions they carry)
Product engineering
Reliability & system safety analysis
Product reliability, availability, maintainability & safety
Technical risk (RAMS)
Where is technical risk managed?
Risk documents
& spreadsheets -
Risk mgmt plans with manual RAMS artifacts Risk management plans/artifacts inside program risk management process/practices
Disconnected RAMS tools output artifacts Siloed risk assessment tools used to generate risk analysis artifacts
PLM-integrated RAMS analysis tied into arch Risk analysis gathers & updates assessment parameters inside PLM
Continuous RAMS risk assessment & alarms Change, gates, etc. - triggers continuous risk assessments with suspicion management
Planned product variability
Considering product line & variation in product decisions
Where is product variation managed?
- None
- Variation documents & spreadsheets
Through disconnected variation rules Variation described/managed outside PLM applied as post-process
Integrated PLM variation rules managed & applied Product variation/configuration managed inside PLM
PLM variation drive architecture decisions Product architecture decisions influenced by integrated product line/variation considerations
System architecture modeling
Product architecture are the blueprints for entire product development effort
Product architecture definition
Where is the product architecture kept/managed?
- PPT docs
Visio diagrams (managed in GIT, etc.) GIT-like version controlled system diagrams
Standard SysML modeling tools Standard system models & methods outside PLM
Integrated system architecture inside PLM Architecture elements inside PLM tied to requirements/logical and physical breakdowns
Continuous integration via PLM architecture Integrated architecture drives downstream dev (CAD, EDA, EE, Mfg) including suppliers (model based design chains) enabling continuous integration
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Explore all of our MBSE resources and learn how to accelerate your journey. Crafted by our MBSE Evangelist, Mark Sampson, these resources will help you start integrated and stay integrated.