This video will walk you though importing a STEP214 model with Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) or 3D part dimensioning. Next I will show how to view the PMI dimensions that we’ve imported. This includes PMI 3D dimensioning information, as it does support that.
Then I will show how to create a manufacturing assembly where you can reorient your model relative to machine space and setup in a vice fixture. We’ll be bringing the model into an inch template to convert it from metric. We’ll also be orienting the model normal to how it will sit in the machine. This isn’t absolutely required but it makes it a little easier when viewing the model. The top, front and right views will be the same as if you were looking at it from the machine.
We’ll be creating a stop boundary, creating a block of stop material and prepping that, also optionally we’ll show how to bring in a vice from the re-use library so that when you either take this to manufacturing in NX, or you’re exporting it to another CAM system, it’ll be completely set up and ready to go. I will show how you can add your own dimensions to output to a JPEG file for printing to the shop floor. Last I will show how to import a new revision.
This will be primarily focused on users with NX CAM or NX Foundation, which is a viewer that includes the ability to create assemblies, edit models, and do everything that we’re doing here including creating some tool paths and more.