
Buckle up again, this time for a Hyperloop pod ride

September 07, 2017

As part of its ongoing push into hyperloop systems, SpaceX held its 2nd annual Pod design competition for student teams. The winner this year was WARR, hailing from the Technical University of Munich, whose pod clocked in at an impressive speed of over 201 mph.

As you can see from the post, that’s a relatively short track at one mile. Nonetheless Elon Musk raved about the result, and then, being Elon Musk, immediately said that with some work the pod should be able to hit 300+ mph.

The WARR pod keeps the pounds off with its carbon fiber build, and in the depressurized tube, the light weight brings its ability for high speeds.

One of the other teams in the competition was the Badgerloop from the University Wisconsin-Madison. Siemens PLM Software has a great interview with them and uncovered many great nuggets including their dedicated analysis methods, their design-to-development process and their decision to build a Musk-sized pod.

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