
New FEMAP APIs fresh off the assembly line

May 23, 2017

Available for our customers, we’ve created a new batch of FEMAP APIs. The new tools cover a range of uses from a variety of thermal load conversions, to a rigid body element independent node selector, to a measuring tool displaying distance graphically. We hope our customers find this useful. Not a customer yet? Please contact the team at [email protected].

And in exciting news for those who missed our API training course, we have created a new on-demand video course, “Learn the FEMAP API (Application Programming Interface) for Automation and Customization.” Created by our FEMAP guru Adrian Jensen, the course is available for purchase on Amazon. Students receive access to 9 hours of video lessons, our spiral bound class notes, 13 workshops, and supplemental model files & resources.

And remember, customers can always download all of our FEMAP APIs

Beam And Bar Forces Data

Beam and Bar Force Data API extracts shear force, axial force, moments, and the torque on a selected beam element. The program allows the user to select one output set and one element to collect data from. If the user selects an improper element type, a warning message will be presented below. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Clean View Toggle (Flipper)

The Clean View Toggle API allows the user to quickly toggle on/off the view axis, origin, post titles, labels, and contour/criteria legend with one click. This is especially useful for creating images to be used in presentations and reports. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Convert Thermal Loads To Output (Active Loads)

This API allows the user to convert the active thermal load to an output set with one click. The thermal load can then be contoured over the applied regions to visualize the temperature distribution. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Convert Thermal Loads To Output (All Loads)

This API allows the user to convert all thermal loads to output sets with one click. The thermal loads can then be contoured over the applied regions to visualize the temperature distribution. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Convert Thermal Loads To Output (Select Loads)

This API allows the user to select thermal loads to convert to output sets. The thermal loads can then be contoured over the applied regions to visualize the temperature distribution. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

GFX Measure Tool (In) & (MM)

GFX Measure Tool is a measuring tool which displays distance graphically to be used in screenshots. One version displays the units in inches; the other version displays the units in millimeters. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Group Include Solid Ent & Mesh

This API adds all related entities (surfaces, curves, points, elements and nodes) of solids in a group, to that group. This is useful to ensure all necessary entities are in your group. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Non Structural Mass Manager (XLSM)

The Non Structural Mass Manager macro allows the user to quickly add non-structural mass to specific properties in a model from an Excel spreadsheet. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Revolve Multi Surfaces

Revolve Multi Surfaces allows the user to select multiple surfaces and revolve them around the same axis.  Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Select Independent Nodes (RBE)

The Select Independent Nodes macro enables the user to select a rigid body element (RBE) and the API will select the independent node(s). The independent nodes can then be highlighted using the highlight tool in the model tree. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

Solid Blanker Solid Blanker

The Solid Blanker API quickly hides selected solids by double clicking the solids. When the API is launched it allows the user to restore all solids. Tested in Femap V11.2.2.

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